Core Health Facilitators in Kenneth City, Florida:

Daniel Funk, CHF

Email Daniel

Kenneth City, Florida
Ph. 727-492-8939

As an individual, and as a “technical” helicopter pilot, I was skeptical about energy measuring and Heart Forgiveness when it was offered to me in 2002, over six years ago. I was out of solutions for my glitches, so I figured I would give it a try, I am glad I did.

When I found Core Health early in 2008 I was pleased to discover bonus shifts from Heart Forgiveness had been working all along below my level of awareness resulting in great personal benefits to me.

While taking additional courses this year I was strongly drawn to be a Facilitator. I am continually amazed by energy measuring. I am even more amazed at the depth and number of points some of my glitches had. I am astounded by the simple direct way in which Core Health erases these glitches and how the results continue and are measurable. You are not reading this page by mistake, so contact me or another Facilitator to begin to get results that will improve and impress you. My results do! Daniel 727-492-8939