Core Health Facilitators in Florida:

Steve Cureton , CHF

Email Steve

Treasure Island, Florida
Ph. (727) 360-3988

I retired from 25 years in Law Enforcement, mostly as a Detective. I find the DTQ process is just like solving a case: asking a series of purposeful questions and then using the resulting information to resolve issue. Great to “clear” each case! Another process where truth wins.

Joanna Cureton , CHF

Email Joanna

Treasure Island, Florida

Ph. (727) 360-3988

I specialized in crime analysis for 26 years. Looking at problems from unique angles is my talent. I love the challenges a difficult case presents. Thus crossword puzzles are a daily challenge. Now the right words literally jump out at me, after participating in Core Health/Body in Harmony, Heart Forgiveness, and the Facilitator TRAINING.